Hands of Love


See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Isaiah 49:16a NIV

The hands that made the universe and stretched out the heavens became the hands of a newborn baby. Isaiah 45:12

Those same hands touched blind eyes and they could see. Mark 8:25

When placed on those with various kinds of sickness, they were healed. Luke 4:40

Upon touching a woman who had been crippled for eighteen years, she was set free from her infirmity. Luke 13:10-13

The touch of His hands raised a dead girl to life. Mark 5:23, 41-42

They touched the children the disciples had no time for and brought them blessing. Matthew 19:13-15, Mark 10:16

His hands offered grace to the women caught in adultery as they wrote in the sand, while one by one her accusers dropped their stones and left. John 8:1-11

They held the five loaves and two fish that satisfied five thousand hungry people. Luke 9:14-17

Moved by compassion, they restored the ear of the one who came to arrest Him. Luke 22:50-51

Those same hands carried the cross to which they would be nailed. John 19:17

He allowed man to drive to drive nails through His hands for you and for me. He could have called legions of angels to rescue Him, but He chose instead to be wounded for our transgressions and to be crushed for our iniquities. There is no greater love! We are indeed engraved upon the hands of our Lord!

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