Don’t Stand Still


“The following spring, the time of the year when kings go to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to destroy the Ammonites….But David stayed behind in Jerusalem” 2 Samuel 11:1

It’s more often than not, when we sit still, or become lax, that we fall victim to the attack of the enemy.  It’s very hard when we keep moving, or walking with our Lord, that we fall victim. Sometimes the enemy just wants an easier target to destroy.

King David’s mistake here was to go against his heart, what he knew was right, and stay home from battle with very little to attend to on his own. Two concerns: he was idle, and he was alone.  This is a playground for the enemy!

What happens next? He can’t sleep, as many of us encounter,  gets up after a bit of sleep, restless, and wanders to his roof. There he feels the attack – a bathing Bathsheba, out in the open, in full view. She catches his eye and he does not look away. He watches her. After lusting visually, the physical craving and desire take over. We all know the story, he has her brought to him, has a physical encounter and this begins the snowball effect that destroys his perfect kingdom.

Sounds much like what happened in the garden to Adam, doesn’t it?

Not long before this, David heard from the prophet Nathan, that the Lord  favors him and that his kingdom will be a dynasty. He writes “Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And now, Sovereign Lord, in addition to everything else, you speak of giving your servant a lasting dynasty!” 2 Samuel 7:18-19 He is also coming off of victory over the Philistines, conquering Gath, Goliath’s town, the Ammonites and the Edomites. And his heart just lead him to honor the only remaining son of Jonathan, Mephibosheth. In other words, life couldn’t have been better!

But he puts himself into the position the enemy always wants to see us in – alone and restless!

James writes “Isn’t it the whole army of evil desires at war within you? You want what you don’t have so you scheme and kill to get it” James 4:1-2

Isn’t this literally what David encounters? David’s fall begins as a tumble, and then sin begins to snowball. The story goes on to tell us it costs David almost everything. Good news – everything except his standing with God!

How many of us, being blessed by God, place ourselves in this very same position?

So what’s the answer? Do not remain idle! Continue to move and be careful what we fix our eyes and ears on! The stronger our walk, and David certainly walked strong, the stronger or more clever the attack will be.

They say in the battle on a football field, it is typically the one that is “motionless” or standing still, that sustains the injury. I submit this is true in our spiritual battlefield each day as well.

How do we, as a wrestler would say, “counter” this?

“Pick up your mat, and walk” John 5:8


Special thanks for this submission by guest blogger – Barnabas


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