Everyone Did What Was Right In His Own Eyes


In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. Judges 21:25 NASB

This verse  ends the book of Judges and sums up the standard of morality that ruled the culture of the day. If I’m being honest, I have to say it pretty much describes the moral compass I now see in America. There is no consistent standard of right and wrong accepted by the masses, everyone defines morality as what seems right in their own eyes. The trouble is, that’s just not reality. There really is a Sovereign God and there really is absolute truth. His standard of right and wrong is the one we should live by. It’s the only one that works. Reality and truth are not relative and they are not dictated by popular culture. I don’t know about you, but I find that comforting rather than restricting. But even if I didn’t, it would still be true.

If you go back a few chapters in the book of Judges, you’ll find this same verse in the early part of chapter 17. As you read the text between 17:6 and 21:25 you’ll see how everyone doing what was right in his own eyes played out in the culture of the day. You’ll find that while there was some attempt at living righteously and seeking God, it was lost in religious practices loosely based on God’s laws but completely missing the mark. It was twisted and confusing at best. You’ll also read of sexual brutality, homosexuality, rape, and murder. When God is not recognized as King and His standard of morality is not followed, the end result always brings heartache and pain.

So where can you go to find truth in a world that struggles with issues like gender neutrality, white supremacy, and hatred toward anyone who carries a badge? It’s a painful time in our history and a confusing time. Even those who are supposed to be our spiritual leaders largely disagree on the social issues of our day. But there is one dependable source of truth, one God, who is still Sovereign. He created the world and He alone has the knowledge we need to make the most of the days He gives us on this earth. Only He can define right and wrong without confusion and without mistake. If you are struggling with the pain and confusion that comes from everyone doing what is right in his own eyes, I encourage you to seek God and embrace the truth he offers in His word. Read it. It’s not hard to understand. Study it. Get to know it in and out. Embrace your Creator and He will lift the confusion and heal the pain you’ve incurred along the way.

Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. John 17:17 NASB


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