Like Seed Sown Among Thorns


Artwork by Liberty Santulli

Still others, like seed sown among thorns, hear the word; but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful. Mark 4:18-19 NIV

In the parable of the sower, Jesus first describes those who hear the word but don’t really receive it, Satan immediately snatching it away, then He describes those who receive it with joy but don’t really allow it to take root in their lives; there’s something about Christianity that appeals to them, but they only last a short time.  Then Jesus introduces the third group; those who hear the word, receive it with joy and allow it to take root. These are the ones who have made a commitment and plan to stick with it, they are in it for the long haul! They believe the Word of God and embrace it, yet they seem to face a never ending struggle. They desperately want the Word of God to produce in them the joy and peace they read about, but it seems for some reason to elude them. It comes and goes; they’ve tasted it, but just can’t seem to get a steady diet of it.

So what is the problem? Jesus gives us some insight when he explains the problem to his closest disciples, naming three things that come in and choke the word.  Let’s start with the worries of life, because for most of us, there never seems to be a shortage of things to worry about! So how does worry choke out the word? Let’s face it, our minds can only focus on so many things at a time, and if we’re not careful, the worries of life will take over and consume us! We simply can’t allow our minds to constantly play back the scenarios that cause us to worry, like an endless reel of film.

We need to apply the advice given us by Paul, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7-8 NIV  When you’re worried about a situation, bring it before God in prayer, solicit His help, and trust Him with it. Don’t let it consume your mind beyond that. Focus on Him, and let Him focus on the problem. Isaiah put it this way, You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isaiah 26:3 NIV  We need to get to the place where we stop worrying, we understand God loves us, and we accept in every situation whatever outcome He decides is best for us.

How does the deceitfulness of wealth choke out the word? If you’ve grown up in America, you’ve been conditioned your whole life to pursue the “American Dream.” Most of us have not made it our goal to be independently wealthy, but none the less we are conditioned to pursue what society would consider a successful career and a comfortable lifestyle, right? And there’s nothing wrong with either of those, but wealth is deceitful in that it it promises to satisfy us. The truth is, nothing will satisfy you aside from a relationship with Jesus. Yet we busy ourselves, running in so many directions, trying to achieve what we believe we have to that we have little time or energy to really pursue God, at least not with all our mind and all our heart. If you want spiritual success, it has to be your first priority.

Lastly, Jesus mentioned our desires for other things. Anything you spend time pursuing other than God has the potential, with very high probability to choke out the Word of God in your life. The bottom line is that we need just one focus in life. Our focus on God must supersede everything else! If you want to thrive in your relationship with God and in life in general, He has to be the only thing that really matters to you. Is He enough? That’s the question you need to settle in your heart and mind. When every other relationship and activity in your life comes second to your relationship with Him, your life will radically change. You’ll think differently. Decisions will become easier because the only real questions will be, what would God want me to do and how does this effect my relationship with Him. When everything falls into that frame, nothing will be able to choke the word, and the fruit of the Spirit will be plentiful in your life! You’ll be at peace, regardless of the circumstances in your life, and you’ll know Him and experience His joy!

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