A Scarecrow In A Melon Patch


Like a scarecrow in a melon patch, their idols cannot speak; they must be carried because they cannot walk. Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.” Jeremiah 10:5 NIV

A scarecrow looks enough like a man to fool the birds, but it’s not a man. Swaying in the wind, it may appear to be active and alive, but it’s merely an illusion. It has no breath and no life. Its only power lies in its ability to deceive the birds. So how is an idol like a scarecrow? Well, in Jeremiah’s culture, they literally fashioned “gods” from carefully crafted wood, then ascribed to them deity. Then they would call out to their “god” for rain for their crops, victory in battle, health, strength and a myriad of other blessings. They bowed down and paid homage to the idol, even going as far as to sacrifice their own children in hopes they would somehow appease their “god” and find favor. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? They might as well have bowed down to the scarecrow in the melon patch!

It sounds ridiculous because it is! But before we go patting ourselves on the back for our superior understanding, lets stop and think about the things that we elevate in the place of God. An idol doesn’t have to be a handmade wooden craft, it can be anything we believe will satisfy our souls. For some it’s money. We trust in its provision, and believe its blessing is all we need to be satisfied. For some it’s people. If we can just find the right person who will love us and whom we can love we’ll find fulfillment. For some it’s drugs. We call out to it day and night foolishly believing it will be able to kill our pain and bring us peace. For some it’s power and recognition. Once I land that promotion at work I’ll have everything I’ve ever wanted. The list goes on and on, and your list may be very different from mine, but we all have a list. Anything we believe will satisfy us, other than our Creator, becomes an idol. And in reality, it’s nothing more than a scarecrow in a melon patch, appearing to have power it will never have!

Those who cling to worthless idols, forfeit the grace that could be theirs. Jonah 3:8 NIV

Jonah made this statement when he was in the belly of the fish. He had learned a very important lesson and it’s an important one for us as well. Whenever we cling to something instead of clinging to God we are forfeiting something very valuable. God alone is everything we need! He offers us grace, forgiveness and abundant life! He alone can satisfy us. Scarecrows effectively keep the hungry birds from eating the crop, and finding the satisfaction they so desperately desire. What “scarecrow” is Satan putting in front of you today to keep you from finding satisfaction in God? Will you see it for what it is or be fooled by its illusion?

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