Category: Food For Thought
Blogs in this category are designed to present something to think about. They may present a different angle on a familiar passage. Or they may simply present a challenge for the reader to relate to the passage in a way they may not have before.
First Day Of Summer Thoughts
Listen For His Voice Today

Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest. Hebrews 3:1 NIV The writer of Hebrews starts the third chapter with this word of advice: Fix your thoughts on Jesus! Discipline your mind to stay …
Who Makes Jesus’ Team?
God Has The Plan, And We Have Him!
Walk In The Light
Thankful in 2020
Jesus Offers Us Abundant Life
Don’t Be A Stumbling Block: A Look at 2 Corinthians 6
Empty Storage Rooms Are Easily Converted
It’s Time To Talk Politics

We, in the United States, are in the midst of a presidential election. Emotions are high and passion floods our society like an overflowing river in a torrential downpour. Families are divided, neighborhoods split, friends part ways and social media is steep with strong opinions for and against both candidates. …