Hide And Seek


For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:3-4 NKJV

When I was a kid, I used to love the game of hide and seek. It was especially fun when a large group was playing and I was able to hide with a friend! The sound of our giggling always gave us away, but that never seemed to bother me. When I read these verses, those familiar memories flood my mind, and I find the thought of hiding with Christ very appealing! The Greek word for hidden is krupto, which means to conceal or to escape notice.  I can think of two occasions when it’s of benefit for me to escape from view.

  1. When the world is watching, I am a far better witness for Christ when they see Him instead of me! As I die to self, and live exclusively for Him, my life can be hidden from view. When I think about my early days of hide and seek I am reminded that to successfully hide, I needed to be totally out of view. The best way to do that was to get completely inside of something, like a box, a cabinet, or a closet. Likewise, I am most successful in my Christianity when I am all in! That’s when I disappear and those looking at my life see Christ.
  2. If there wasn’t anything to hide in, we used to look for something to hide behind, like a tree or a chair. The only way to make that work, was to get right up next to it, close enough for it to completely block me from view. It’s not just that world that’s watching me, I also have an enemy who is constantly looking for someone to devour! What a comfort to know that as I get right up next to Jesus He stands between me and the enemy. I can stand close behind Him and I am protected!

Now is the time to be hidden with Christ in God, but our time will come to make an appearance. In the end, when the battle is over, and Christ reigns in victory, we will appear with Him in glory!

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