Mnason, A Disciple Of Long Standing

Some of the disciples from Caesarea also came with us, taking us to Mnason of Cyprus, a disciple of long standing with whom we were to lodge. Acts 21:16 NASB

Every so often the Bible introduces us to someone who played a significant enough role to be mentioned by name, even if it’s just the briefest of mentions. Mnason was a guy whom we’re told very little about; only that he was from Cyprus, known by the disciples of Caesarea, perhaps for his hospitality, a long time disciple, and that he offered lodging to Paul and his traveling companions, including Luke, on their way to Jerusalem. Though I can’t be sure why this small biographical sketch made it into in the greatest book of all time, there’s something desirable about being known as a disciple of long standing!

The NIV refers to him as “One of the early disciples,” and the CEV says he “Had been a follower from the beginning.” Perhaps Mnason was one of the 3000 saved on the day of Pentecost, when Peter addressed the crowd, or maybe his faith goes back even farther; he may have even heard Jesus preach personally. All we know is that at some point, many years earlier, Mnason heard the gospel message, believed it and started a journey of following Jesus that was still his top priority!

I’m not sure what legacy I’ll leave behind, but I like the idea of being known for a life of longtime faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ, as someone who decided to follow Jesus, and never turned back! Steadfast. Faithful. Committed. These are the words I want used to describe my Christianity.

Paul and his friends may have spent just one night in Mnason’s house but I’ve no doubt that Paul enjoyed exchanging stories with this old man of faith! We know of the adventures of Paul, but he was privileged to hear the testimonies of Mnason. You see, both are important! You just can’t live day after day, year after year, walking with God without having stories to tell! God is faithful, He takes care of His children!

It’s no accident that Paul stayed with this long time disciple in his final stop before arriving in Jerusalem, where he had been warned by the Spirit again and again, suffering awaited him! I believe Paul needed to hear the testimonies of Mnason, that they were to provide valuable encouragement of God’s continued faithfulness in the long days ahead. If not for Paul’s encouragement, perhaps for Luke and the other’s who would navigate through the suffering right beside Paul. Like Paul, Mnason was in it for the long haul, he had served God through good times and bad and had made it through the darkest days. Who better to encourage them along the way?

God may not have called you to full time missions work, like the the apostle Paul. He may not be requiring you to endure the same level of suffering He required of Paul, but don’t think your life and your faithfulness is not just as valuable in God’s eyes! Live each day in faithful service to God, in whatever circumstances you find yourself. Like Mnason, commit to be a disciple of long standing.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 NASB

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