It’s Hard To Wait!

When two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus, but because Felix wanted to grant a favor to the Jews, he left Paul in prison. Acts 24:27 NIV

Paul was imprisoned in Caesarea until Governor Felix “decided his case.” He had broken no law nor had charges been brought against him, yet he was detained simply because Felix was hoping Paul would offer him a bribe and hoping to gain popularity with the Jews. The ludicrous accusations against Paul were devised by a group of Jews who hated him so much that they wanted Paul killed, in fact, more than 40 of them had vowed not to eat until Paul was dead, a vow, I’m sure they broke when their plot fell short!

Nonetheless, Paul was unfairly imprisoned for TWO YEARS! That’s a very long time to wait for justice! God had assured Paul that he would not die in Caesarea, but would give testimony in Rome, yet God never gave Paul a timeline. God rarely gives timelines. Rather Paul had to trust God and wait patiently until God decided it was time to move on.

Have you ever been in a state of limbo, where you just had to wait for God’s timing? It’s not easy, is it? It’s hard when we believe God has better things for us, but we just can’t seem to get there. Can you relate to this scenario: You want to move forward in the will of God, and He may have even given you clear direction as to your future plans, but it just doesn’t seem to be happening quick enough? If so keep these things in mind

  1. Waiting does not mean you are not currently in the will of God. Satan loves to make us believe that we are stuck where we are because we’re doing something wrong, our faith isn’t strong enough to move forward, or God is keeping us here until we “get it right.” Do you think that’s why Paul was kept in Caesarea under guard for two years? Or was it God’s will for Paul to minister right where he was? I’ve no doubt it was the later! We must replace the mentality that we will “someday,” do great things for God, with a mindset that continually looks for ways to minister right where we are.
  2. God wants to use you now, where you are, that’s why you are there. What did Paul do while he was waiting? He shared the gospel with Felix and his wife. Acts 24:26 tells us that Felix sent for Paul and talked with him frequently. He also had the opportunity to give strong witness to King Agrippa. Why God wanted Paul there for two years, we can’t be sure, but there are some really good possibilities. Since Paul was permitted to have visitors, perhaps that’s when he shared with Luke the information he needed to write the book of Acts. Paul may have used the time to write letters of encouragement to the churches, share the gospel with other prisoners and guards, or disciple new believers. The possibilities are endless!

The Bible is full of other examples. Consider how long Joseph waited for the fulfillment of the dream God had given him, and all that he endured along the way; or the years David ran from King Saul, waiting for the throne. Where those years wasted time? Did God use David while he waited? If you benefit from the Psalms, then you can testify that He did!

Resist the temptation to get so focused on your future, that you miss the opportunities God will give you today. As you follow God, remember it’s not just about the destination, it’s really all about the journey.

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